David Renna

I am ready for an exciting semester.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project 1: Report 3

This is an updated map with the hospital names highlighted. I know its too late. But I wanted to post it. Thank You to all who helped me with doing this the way I wanted to.
Now that we have homed in on Alameda County, further analysis is required. We must look at the percentage of black households for Alameda County. I have focus on the North West Corner of Alameda County due to the high percents of black household. With the analysis of contamination sites of Alameda County, most of them were in the North West region. This was also a reason for my concentration on the area. I have buffered the pollutant sites to 150 meters for dispersion. I have alsao buffered the major roads of the area to the same distance of 150 meters. As we home in, we can see that there are four hospitals in this zone of High Black Concentration, high pollutant site concentration which will produce the ozone and particulate matter that we have shown to be correlated with high asthma hospitalization rates. I decided that the analysis of Eauclidean distance from the hospitals made the map a little confusing so I decided not to use it. In conclusion, I have shown that there are four hospitals which to allocate monies for dealing with high asthma hospitalization rates first. They include Children's Hospital, Highlands General Hospital, Alameda Hospital, and Booth Memorial Hospital. I tried to label these four hospitals but ran out of time. I was planning on using Adobe Illustrator to do this, that is the only reason they are not labeled. I tried to do this in Arcmap and could not find any style that stood out enough for me to consider using it.
I would like to add that if I had the time I would have presented this to the Board at the next meeting as a powerpoint of all my maps not just one. I beleive that all the data was relevant in order to narrow down the search for the four most critical needs hospitals of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Project 1: Report Part 2

The second part of report points to narrow the search for hospitals with critical needs for money allocation for high asthma hospitalization rates. This map shows that Alameda County has the highest rates in the San Francisco Bay Area of somwhere between 12.85% and 17.8%. This suggest that we might have to take a closer look a Alameda County.
The second map in this set shows a comparison of the two types of households which have been shown to be at risk. Both Black and Hispanic Households are compared with Asthma Hospitalization rates. There is correlelation in both groups. However, you can see the much higher percentages of black households in correlation with the high hospitalization rates of Alameda County. This helps us to focus in on black populations of Alameda County.

Now we must look at Ozone levels and Particulate Matter levels of the San Francisco Bay Area Counties. You can see the relative high ozone levels in both Santa Clara and Alameda Counties.
The yearly average in both counties is about 22-24 part per billion which is considered high in our research. Secondly, you can see the high particualte matter levels in the four counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Alameda. So We now know that the Southern portion of the study area have high concentrations of 11-12 ug/m3 of particulate matter. At the same time, we can see the high ozone levels of the South West region of the study area.

Finally, we transpose the ozone and particulate matter data on the map of Asthma Hospitalizaiton rates. This finalizes the need for a closer look at Alameda County.

Project 1: Report Part 1

This is my Population Density Map for the San Francisco Bay Area Counties. I would like to point out the high population densities of the South West counties of Santa Clara, Alameda, and Contra Costa Counties. This high density will provide a good assessment for the allocation of fund to local hospitals with high asthma hospitalization rates.

County officials have asked for a comparison between uninsured percentage rates and unemployment rates for each of the counties in the San Francisco County Area. They have also require comparison of single mother households with uninsured percentage rates. The scatterplots provided show that there is only a slight correlation between uninsured rates and unemployed rates. There is even less correlation between uninsured rates and single mother households. I believe this is due to the fact that the most important thing for a single mother is to have health insurance for her family.

Finally, the officials wanted to see if the was correlation with uninsured rates and both hispanic and black householod rates. As you can see, the scatterplots do not show much. However, you can start to see visually that Alameda County has both high percentages of both Asthma Hospitalization rates and hispanic and black percentage households. I think my scatterplots are incorrect. I could not get them to show any correlation at all. I redid these many time without success. However, I do see the corelation visually in the maps.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Project 1: Analyze Asthma Data San Francisco

This is the base map for hospitalization rates due to asthma for the 10 counties in the San Francisco Bay Area. The data was produced from Asthma Hospitalization Data Chart Book from September 2003. The number of incidents are reported per 10,000 people. I used the GNIS layer to collect hospital data instead of the suggested county layer. This allowed for me to show 198 hospitals in the area as opposed to the 19 in the county layer.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Metadata Documentation Project 1

Here is the required metadata for the 6 files I believe will be used for Project 1. I really got lost in this. I found myself checking and rechecking things I had already done. I guess this will take a bit more practice before I feel confortable with it. I probably missed a couple things. I also found that I could not document the attributes to my excel spreadsheets because there was no way to add a title to the attributes. Maybe I will find a way to do this later.

Air Monitoring Stations Metadata
County Shapefile Metadata
Demographics Spreadsheet Metadata
Asthma Spreadsheet Metadata
Ozone Spreadsheet Metadata
Particulate Matter Spreadsheat Metadata