David Renna

I am ready for an exciting semester.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Module 3- Orthorectification Challenge

This is my submission for the Module 3 Challenge Assignment for GIS 4035 Remote Sensing and Photointerpretation at the UWF Online GIS. We were required to take an image of downtown Pensacola and orthorectify the image to an existing map using GCP or Ground Control Points. The requirement of a RMS error of under 1. Using 7 control points, I was able to get low RMSE numbers with an Avg. error of .2545.

Challenge3 Map
GCP Table

The problems I had with the assignment were in the practice section. I could not get my RMSE below a couple thousand on some of the fiducials. I did not have this problem with the challenge. The only problem I had in the challenge waas that I had to move my UTM grid slightly to the left in order to see the numbers better on my map. I think this might cause a slight error in my Longitude on the grid.

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