David Renna

I am ready for an exciting semester.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Remote Sensing: Challenge 1: ERDAS Map Composition


This is Challenge 1 for Remote Sensing and Photointerpretation class at UWF GIS online certification. I have produced this map in ERDAS. It is a image of the Pensicola area in NW Florida. I have highlighted the Naval Air Station in the SE region of the image and circle and labeled it. I also included the basic map design requirements of a neatline, a North arrow, and Scale Bar. I tried for very long to add a legend but with no success. I kept getting an error message " no Psuedo-color in selected region" Huhh?? I guess since we have to add the elements to the ovr. file extension and not the image itself that is why this might be occurring.

I had many problems with ERDAS this week. As with all new software, you must dredge through the learning process. I have lots of trouble with Adobe Illustrator in the beginning as well. However, after much practice I began to see the advantages of Adobe. I hope the ERDAS is the same.

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