David Renna

I am ready for an exciting semester.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Challenge 1: ERDAS Map Composition

This is the first challenge exercise in the summer term for Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation. We were required to compose a map in map view in ERDAS software provided by UWF GIS online certification program. I included all of the elements required. I included a neatline, North arrow, and Scale bar. I could not add a legend although I tried for hours. I kept getting a error message stating the was no psuedo color for selected frame. HUHH???

I think the that ERDAS is a very challenging software package. As of right now I do not see any advantages over ArcMap and ArcCatalog. However, as with Adobe Illustrator I had many problems at first but with practice I began to see the advantages and I know that this will be the same for ERDAS.

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